Violin Teacher

Simultaneous to my career as a musician, I have taught violin for about 35 years to students of beginner, intermediate and advanced levels.

Over the years, I have had the privilege of exploring different musical styles, and at present it is what enables me to transmit this knowledge to my students, whether it be through Classical Music, Tzigane, or Traditional or Popular Jazz.

After six years of intense training beside the headmaster of the Russian school Hratchia Sevandjian, I have acquired a solid technique and a distinct style that sets me apart.

For several years I have worked as a teacher of the music-study programme for the Discoverers School Board (la Commission Scolaire des Découvreurs) at the Lévis House of Music of Bernard Bonnier, as well as at the music school l’Accroche-Notes. I also have been teaching private lessons in my studio and around Lévis.

© Jacques Bernier - Violoniste | 418 455-4689 | j.berniervioloniste@gmail.com